Little Pond Christian Ministry

Little Pond Christian Ministry exists to unite God and people. Our mission and desire is to call individuals to a saving and growing relationship with Christ. This is encouraged through joyful worship, service which shares God’s love with those in need, proclamation of the good news of Jesus Christ, education in His ways and nature through Christian fellowship.

Little Pond Christian Ministry accomplishes it’s mission by bringing one scripture verse at a time, one prayer at a time, one message pf Christ’s love at a time and one act of Christian love at a time into the lives of God’s children. The love of Christ, through these little acts, collect and contribute to a little pond of Christian warmth and faith in Christ the Savior in the lives of His people.

Little Pond Christian Ministry knows that the Living Water is embodied by these small acts, droplets, that flow into the stream of faith that form a little pond of essential sustenance in a believer’s life. The little pond of faith formed in a believer’s life is a reservoir for the believer to tap into for refreshment and to share with others. Building this pool of refreshment is so needed in a world filled with those who know of Christ but do not know Him, or see Him, either momentarily or for a long period of time (perhaps their entire life!) as their personal, loving Savior and Lord.

Little Pond Christian Ministry offers believers, new and old, God’s Word and God’s Love. Service is provided one scripturally sound message and prayer at a time through, Pulpit Ministry, Bible study, Christian wedding and funeral services, visitation, leading corporate prayer as well as prayer with individuals and small groups and multimedia messages of God’s eternal and unequaled love, hope and inspiration.

Little Pond Christian Ministry was established by Christopher Sweerus, an ordained Minister of the Word through the Christian Leader’s Alliance. Chris has guided one on one with God’s children and has led Bible Studies and Worship for large groups. To reach Pastor Sweerus and the Little Pond Christian Ministry you may email

Ministerial Offerings

  • Prayer, with individuals, for small groups, and as a part of corporate worship
  • Officiant Services
  • Pulpit Supply for regular worship or special occasions
  • Bible Study or Pulpit Messages
  • Christian Ministry and visitation for Nursing Home, Continuing Care and Convalescent and Rehabilitation Care, and Senior Living Community residents
  • Teaching for small groups, or one on one, toward becoming a member of His church or growing in the Christian walk.
  • Visitation, consolation and encouragement for sick and shut-ins as well as their loved ones.

Malachi Coaching & Training Ministries Int’l

Ministry Vision & Mission:
Vision: “For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ” – Ephesians 4:12

Mission: As a 501(c)(3) non-profit entity, our mission is to create partnerships with ministry leaders and pastors for Kingdom building through coaching and training.
Our motto is “each one reaches one,” helping emerging leaders develop and enhance their plans of action, lead by example, realize their true potential, discover their
destiny and spiritual gifts, and set and reach attainable goals. We provide coaching, training, and ministry business solutions that are affordable, adaptable, and accessible.

Minister Mobilization Centers (MMC) of Florida

Strategy and Activities

This MMC of Florida has a three-part strategy for achieving its goals:

  • Partner with local churches and ministries to provide training and resources to MMC leaders.
  • Offer minister credentialing programs that lead to minister credentials through the CLA.
  • Promote ecuministry licensing and ordination credentials.

The MMC is a regional resource for soul centers that mobilize ministers. It connects and encourages connections, partnerships, and collaborations among Christian leaders in Florida.

Here are some additional details about the MMC:

  • The MMC is a registered Soul Center of the CLA.
  • The MMC serves the state of Florida.

The MMC is a ministry of Christian Leaders to create reproducible ministry organizations.

If you are a grassroots Christian leader or ministry seeking to revitalize Christianity locally or in Florida, the MMC can help you. Contact the MMC today to learn how they can support you in your ministry.

Read the Article: Minister Mobililaztion Centers (MMC’s)


In addition, Christian Leaders Church was launched on January 5, 2025; designed to strengthen and equip Christian leaders and their families. Held locally in Largo, Florida, and online via Zoom, this service will be a worship service and a pivotal gathering for ordinations and commissioning ceremonies through the Christian Leaders Alliance and Soul Centers. You can also connect to our CL-Network Church Space HERE

Minister Mobilization Centers (MMC) of Indiana

Strategy and Activities

This MMC of Indiana has a three-part strategy for achieving its goals:

  • Partner with local churches and ministries to provide training and resources to MMC leaders.
  • Offer minister credentialing programs that lead to minister credentials through the CLA.
  • Promote ecuministry licensing and ordination credentials.

The MMC is a regional resource for soul centers that mobilize ministers. It connects and encourages connections, partnerships, and collaborations among Christian leaders in Indiana.

Here are some additional details about the MMC:

  • The MMC is a registered Soul Center of the CLA.
  • The MMC serves the state of Indiana.

The MMC is a ministry of Christian Leaders to create reproducible ministry organizations.

If you are a grassroots Christian leader or ministry seeking to revitalize Christianity locally or in Indiana, the MMC can help you. Contact the MMC today to learn how they can support you in your ministry.

Read the Article: Minister Mobililaztion Centers (MMC’s)

Minister Mobilization Centers Global Hub

Minister Mobilization Centers Global Hub

The minister mobilization centers global hub

The Minister Mobilization Centers (MMCs) focus on raising revival through the multiplication and mobilization of Christian leaders. The MMC is a registered Soul Center of the Christian Leaders Alliance. The minister mobilization centers global hub is located in downtown Grand Rapids. This global hub mobilizes ministers in West Michigan and supports Minister Mobilization Centers worldwide.  MMCs are ministries of Christian Leaders to create reproducible ministry organizations.


The MMCs purpose is to serve grassroots Christian leaders and ministries seeking to revitalize Christianity locally and globally. The MMCs do this by identifying, training, and credentialing more Christian leaders to serve in churches, ministries, and other expressions of Christian service.

Minister Mobilization Centers Global Hub Strategy

MMCs have a three-part strategy for achieving their goals:

Partner with local churches and ministries.

The MMC partners with local churches and ministries to provide training and resources to MMC leaders. This training is designed to equip people with the skills and knowledge they need to be influential leaders and ministers in their churches and communities.

Offer minister credentialing programs.

MMCs offer minister credentialing programs that lead to minister credentials through the Christian Leaders Alliance (CLA). The ministry training is provided through the tuition-free courses of the Christian Leaders Institute. These programs are designed to help people called to ministry become licensed or ordained bi-vocational or vocational ministers.

Promote ecuministry licensing and ordination credentials.

The MMC promotes ecuministry ordination through Christian Leaders. Ministers ordained through Christian Leaders Alliance (CLA) can hold dual credentials. The minister can be licensed or ordained with CLA and also serve locally as a church member in an existing denomination or church.

Become a regional resource for soul centers that mobilize ministers.

Christian Leaders Alliance ministers serve in many capacities. These Minister Mobilization Centers will connect and encourage connections, partnerships, and collaborations.

The MMCs are currently implementing their strategy by:

  • Opening a downtown Grand Rapids location as an administrative hub.
  • Marketing the programs to potential participants through various channels, including online advertising, social media, and word-of-mouth.
  • Tracking the programs’ results to ensure they meet their goals.
  • Evaluating the programs to determine their effectiveness.
  • Adjusting the programs as needed based on the evaluation results.

The MMC believes that this strategy and plan have the potential to bring about a great spiritual awakening locally and globally.

Read the Article: Minister Mobililaztion Centers (MMC’s)


In addition, Christian Leaders Church was launched on January 5, 2025; designed to strengthen and equip Christian leaders and their families. Held locally in Largo, Florida, and online via Zoom, this service will be a worship service and a pivotal gathering for ordinations and commissioning ceremonies through the Christian Leaders Alliance and Soul Centers. You can also connect to our CL-Network Church Space HERE

Pastor Ron’s Christian Ministry Center serves as a ministry to those who cannot or do not go to church for whatever reason. It also serves as mentor center to those seeking to follow a calling into ministry. has been designed to accomplish this in two specific ways:

By making Pastor Ron’s ministry available to those who don’t regularly go to church by using the internet. We are all commanded to fellowship one with another and this provides one more way to do just that (Hebrews 10:25).

By providing a Mentor Center for anyone seeking discipleship while enrolled in Christian Leaders College or a Christian Leaders Alliance ordination program.

Ministries Offered:

  • Officiant Services
  • Fellowship
  • Lord’s Supper
  • Prayer Meetings
  • Prayer Partnerships
  • Bible Studies
  • Preaching/Teaching
  • Discipleship/Mentoring


Peacefire provides training and resources to equip Christians to:

1. Respond to conflict as ambassadors of Jesus Christ; and

2. To experience God’s transforming peace in the midst of conflict. Peacefire serves individuals, couples, teams, and congregations. We train and register Peacefire Ambassadors who engage in conflict navigation ministry in their local setting.

Philadelphia Ministry

Philadelphia Ministries is a non-denominational church, passionate about the presence of a triune God, dedicated to the preaching and expansion of the gospel of Jesus Christ, we believe that the Bible is the infallible Word of God, and that salvation is obtained through repentance and the confession of sins; It is given by divine grace but not by works and is received by faith in Christ Jesus, bringing the love of God to each home for its restoration. Declaring and establishing Christ in the city of San Antonio, Texas, creating a space where love and biblical values are a lifestyle. developing evangelization projects, allowing not only to carry the message of salvation but also a follow-up and consolidation process for the new believer, teaching biblical truths, providing biblical tools, for ministerial development.

Pine Valley Christian Ministries

Pine Valley Christian Ministries is a hybrid community outreach and worship ministry located in Broome County, New York. Our programs are designed to share the gospel, raise new leaders for the Kingdom, help bring people closer to God and aid those who are struggling to find their way in our broken world.

Ministry Services:

  • Officiant Services
  • Visitation Services
  • Worship Services
  • Homeless Ministry
  • Christian Counseling
  • Ministry Training

Our Calling to this Soul Center:
Pine Valley Christian Ministries was created to bring people to Christ and make a difference in the world today. Our calling to reach out to the community is something we are very passionate about and we strive to follow God’s plan in all we do.

PVC Ministries offers baptism, wedding and communion officiant services along with visitation, worship, Christian counseling, life coaching and chaplain services as well.

Who We Serve:
We serve the communities of Broome and Tioga Counties of New York and the entire online community with our digital ministry content. PVC Ministry services are available to the public, churches and local businesses.

“This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you” – John 15:12

Poiema Ministry

The What: Poiema Ministries is a soul center gathering to offer FELLOWSHIP, which will endeavor to encourage relationships of brother to brother and sister to sister in order to encourage and challenge one another in our walk with Christ; while also providing the biblical call to encourage those who are deeper in the faith to serve as spiritual fathers and mothers to those who are new believers or pre-believers. We also seek to provide strong, biblical TEACHINGS so spiritual growth will occur, challenging each of us to move toward a deeper relationship with God, and a stronger reliance on the Holy Spirit for guidance in our daily walk. We also hope to be purveyors of RECOVERY and RESTORATION for the broken-hearted, as this was the very essence of the ministry of Christ on earth.

The Who: Who do we hope to reach with the What? Initially, there are three main populations we wish to target:

  1. The Nones – These are those who have had no church or Christian background in their lives. They may never enter a church service until they meet someone who will be the hands, feet and mouthpiece of Christ, helping them discover who He is as Savior and Lord. Our ministry will provide grace to woo them to Him, and truth to convict them of their need for Him.
  2. The Dones – The failures of organized Christianity have given rise to many who desire growth in their faith, but choose to practice it outside the traditional bounds of the local church. They need brothers and sisters in Christ who will answer the “one another” needs of their walk with Christ; “love one another”” “encourage one another”, etc.
  3. The “On the Runs” – While every community has those that fit in this category, a place like Traverse City has more than most. Traverse City is a strong tourist destination. This places a heavy burden on a large group of service workers for Sunday labor. Many cannot attend traditional church services due to their work week including weekends, especially in the summer months. Poiema Soul Center hopes to provide a place for those in need of spiritual connection who cannot attend traditional church services.
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