Wedding Officiant (LIMITED OFFERINGS IN 2023)
Providing low or no cost weddings to launch Christian marriages without debt. Marriage must align with our Biblical belief of marriage between one man and one woman. Weddings are subject to approval and church availability.

Marriage Ministry (LIMITED OFFERINGS IN 2023)
Provides pre / post marriage sessions to grow couples together in the Lord

Generosity Plans (AVAILABLE NOW)
Helping people to live generous lives, reaching their generosity potentials. These personalized plans will reveal your current generosity activities, ministry and generosity dreams, and provide a practical path towards your generosity potential.

Ministry Multiplier (COMING SOON)
Using resources and offerings to grow Christian Leadership all over the United States.

Ministry Mentor (AVAILABLE NOW)
Support the studies and ministries of Christian Leaders students & graduates. Please feel to inquire if you have a desire to receive free ministry training.

Pulpit Supply (AVAILABLE NOW)
RiSE is available to teach the Word in various churches & share the ministry of the RISE Soul Center

United Souls

United Souls

United Souls is led by Danica Rist and her husband Monte Rist.

Ministerial Offerings begin with the actions of love, acceptance and encouragement and lead to the services below:

-Worship Services
-Bible Study
-Addictions Ministry
-Womens Ministry
-Wedding Officiant Services
-Marriage Ministry
-Parenting Ministry

and more…

Our hope is to follow the walk of the FIRST CHURCH of BELIEVERS and to walk and live our lives in “THE WAY!” We are a non-denominational, whole Bible believing fellowship. We are trusting our lives and our future in the belief of the ultimate sacrifice for our sins and the resurrection of our savior the Messiah. We believe in One Faith & One God for all. We believe that we are all given the opportunity to open the door of our hearts to God, giving God the opportunity to come inside of us and fully dwell, by this indwelling, we can truly become a new creation through the turning away of our sins and follow the leadership of our Messiah. Yeshua showed us through His actions how we can walk in love, peace and provide UNITY for God’s children.

Peek into the lives of Danica and Monte …

Monte and Dancia met at a traditional church building in 1993. We soon became friends and remained friends for many years until we finally started dating in 2012. June 22nd of 2013 we fulfilled God’s plan and made our union official with a beautiful wedding ceremony. We are a blended family of 12 children. Monte-4, Danica-5 & together we birthed 3. Their ages range from 2 up to 28 years old. We also have been blessed with grandchildren!

By March of 2014, less than a year after marriage we found ourselves separated and living in separate homes for 3 long years. We reunited our home in 2017 and became one household again. Ever since our reunification, we have faithfully worked on our marriage and have continued to trust in God for his strength and His love to fill our hearts and our home. These challenges have become the strength of our ministry.

The Lord tells us during our weakest moments he is the strongest. Our marriage has helped highlight our weaknesses so we can become stronger through God. This strength leads us to our God given ability to help others grow and heal. During these past 11 years we have made a complete flip in our parenting techniques and the way we choose to communicate and relate to each other, our children and those we encounter.

In our lifetime, God’s strength has saved us from addictions, unhealthy relationship choices, deliverance from spiritual warfare, a possible divorce and more. Due to the Lord helping us to overcome and turn away from our sinful nature and walk as the new creations he predestined us to be, we decided in 2023, to move forward in the commandment of the great commission and commit to building God’s Kingdom with our dedication to United Souls.

Prior to this dedication, we have provided Bible studies, addictions support, pregnancy, marriage and parenting support, outreach services in our local community through community gatherings and family oriented events.

Danica enjoys sharing the HOPE the Bible provides wherever she goes. She really enjoys sharing the love she has for God and how that pours into the love and acceptance she has for everyone. She has the daily opportunity to do this as an Illinois licensed Realtor®, through the weekly homeschool events her and the 2 youngest children attend and every building she walks into. She enjoys leading the weekly ladies Bible study which meets online and locally at United Souls.

We look forward to helping you feel the love of God through the encouragement provided here at United Souls. May the Lord be with you and protect you. May HIs peace be with you always.

Please let us know how we can pray for you TODAY!
Email us at UnitedSolusFellowship@gmail.com

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