The Fellowship and Worship Center

The Fellowship and Worship Center, St. Catherine, is a Christian organization that was initiated and led by credentialed Minister Dwayne Cummings. He is a bi-vocational Minister who has a passion for cultivating souls for Christ.
Our Ministerial Offerings Include:
• Prayer
• Worship
• Conflict Resolution
• Bible Study
• Teacher
• Mentorship
• Officiant Services
• Christian Life Coaching

Greetings, beloved! I am Minister Cummings, a devoted Christian with a heart full of compassion and a passion for sharing the love of Christ. It is engraved in this vessel to help guide and uplift souls through the Word of God. My mission is to inspire faith, foster spiritual growth, and build a community founded on the principles of love, hope, and grace. By my commitment to serving others, I strive to create a welcoming space where all can find solace, inspiration, and a deeper connection with our Savior. Let us walk this journey of faith together, hand in hand, as we seek to glorify God in all that we do.

My Christian journey began many years ago when I wanted to play football for a local church in my community. I started playing for the church but hadn’t been to any of their services. The pastor at the time came and told me that I wouldn’t be allowed to continue playing for the church unless I started attending at least one of the services, so I did. I began attending the youth fellowship service on Friday evenings, until I also began attending the main service on Sundays.
Even though I was attending the church, I still had no desire to serve the lord, my only goal was to play football. One day, I met one of my high-school friends that I haven’t seen in a while. The last time I saw him, he was very rebellious in image and persona, many were afraid of him back then. This time seeing him however was different, he was well dressed, he talked respectfully and admirably, and he just seemed like a completely different person. He began to minister to me about the lord and I listened and believed him, because of how drastic his change was. From then I began seeking the lord for myself and the journey continues.

After being involved in Church activities for a while, I realized that there are some who although they are active participants in service for the church, they feel lacking in areas related to their spiritual growth and development in their calling. Upon seeing this deficit, we began this soul center to help facilitate these and other areas of growth.

We welcome all who are seeking to form a true relationship with Christ, and not just merely seeking religion.

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The Highest Vision For The Glory of God

The Highest Vision for the glory of God, Haiti, is led by Fiteau Jardinier, an accredited minister of the word by Christian Leaders Alliance – works in the field of God full time for the propagation of the word of God, bringing back to God the lost sheep for the glory of His name.

My walk with God

I am Fiteau Jardinier, I am from the Jacmel valley , southeast Haiti. From a Protestant family where I received quite a bit of spiritual education, I have been a collaborator of the Ruhi and Blackwell Institute since 2014-2020, in promoting community change through children and pre-youth, I was a child class teacher, pre-youth group facilitator, study circle coordinator and tutor. I was the regional youth chairperson of the mission of my church, now I am in Port-au-Prince serving as a ministerial collaborator in the CHURCH OF GOD MISSIONARY OF HAITI located in the community of Delmas.

My ministerial call

I walked with God despite I had not had the chance to know his plan for my life and the purpose of my existence, in 2020, I was forced to leave my family comfortable to take refuge in Port-au-Prince where I had to continue my university studies, I did not even have in mind one day the vision of becoming a minister of God, I had come to study medicine, all the possibilities I had to ensure my education seemed blocked to me ,and I had the obligation to better seek God in order to know the cause of this, and God told me that he does not have a plan for me to be a doctor but a fisherman of soul, I was really amazed and also happy to know God’s plan for my life, and there I began to study theology from which I will soon graduate.

My calling to this Soul Center

It is true I was receiving ministerial training, I knew what God wants from me, but I did not know how to start, because everything seemed dark to me, I spent all my time praying and seeking the face of God, I can’t really explain how I met Christian Leaders Institute, quite simply I saw myself on the platform following the requested steps, and there I began to find my joy, but I did not know what was coming. I began to complete the courses with extreme motivation and felt more comfortable in my ministerial calling.

After completing The Wedding Officiant Class , in the feedback bar I was asked to complete the Registration Soul Center Class .

But given my experience at the Ruhi and Blackwell Institute in community consultations, in research on children and pre-youth, I was examining the effectiveness of this means, and I wanted to use this process for the start of my ministry.

Who are my services for?

My services are intended for all those whom I have the chance to meet on my path, especially those who do not yet know God, I am committed to the quest for lost sheep for God throughout the region, to pray, to adore, to do teaching poetry, Bible study etc. I support young people who do not know what their tomorrow will bring, especially in a country like Haiti, families in conflict to find their understanding, preach and support parental responsibility then maintaining a Christian atmosphere through families.

Evolution fields

I evolve in worship, prayer, preaching, meditation, Bible study, family members, young people, pre-young people, children , accompanying young people and those who live in cohabitation at making a decision to enter into the bond of marriage according to God’s plan, pre -marriage counseling, inviting those who do not yet know God to join the Christian family.

Ministerial Offerings

  • Prayer
  • Worship / Praise
  • Preaching
  • Meditation
  • Bible study
  • Assistance and wedding ceremony
  • Conflict management
  • Invitation from house to house and through the streets for the construction of a great Christian family.
  • Assistance to families in maintaining a Christian atmosphere.
  • Juvenile Assistance

And other religious activities in order to make many more people hear the word of God.

The Oasis Center of Columbus, Ohio

The Oasis Center is a ministry of The Oasis of Love Community Church led by Apostle Alfred Tagoe. The Oasis Soul Center is facilitated by CLA Ordained Commissioned Minister Amanda Chavez. Amanda works part-time at the Oasis of Love Community Church and ministers in the areas of Discipleship, Outreach, Inner Healing, and Deliverance.

Ministerial Offerings Include:

  • Prayer
  • Soul Restoration
  • Inner Healing
  • Deliverance
  • Overcoming Bitterness
  • New Believer Consultations
  • Christian Discipleship
  • Bible Study
  • Marriage Ministry
  • Worship Services
  • Youth Ministry
  • Men’s/Women’s Ministry
  • Evangelism/Outreach

The Oasis of Love Community Church was established in 2015 in Columbus, OH, under the leadership of Apostle Alfred Tagoe and his wife, Pastor Angie Tagoe, natives of Ghana, Africa. Recognizing the call of the Lord upon their lives from youth, they surrendered their lives in their college years and became missionaries to the United States. Alfred graduated from World Harvest Bible College and was ordained under Bishop George Agbonson of Christ Restoration Ministries International (CRMI), Maryland, and Apostle Ekow Eshun of Revival Life Outreach Church (RLOC) Ghana, Africa. Together he and his wife continue to give their lives for the furtherance of the gospel and the equipping of the saints to be released into their unique ministry callings.

Amanda Chavez joined The Oasis family in 2020, three years after ordination and confirmation into the Christian Leaders Alliance. Amanda began her journey with the Lord in 2008 following a radical encounter with Jesus that shifted the trajectory of her life in every possible way. She has been a leader in Christian ministry since 2010, leading various ministries, including youth ministry, home church fellowship, small group Bible studies, prison ministry, inner-city outreach, and missions. Currently the Outreach and Missions Director at The Oasis, she also facilitates Christian discipleship, restoration, and deliverance ministry.

As the Lord began to expose a great need for soul restoration among local believers, we gathered members of our leadership team to develop a well-rounded holistic Restoration Ministry that seeks to minister to the whole person—body, soul, and spirit—with an emphasis on inner healing, soul decluttering, spiritual deliverance, and prayer ministry.

We now offer small groups, weekend intensives, short- and long-term discipleship in specialized areas, and individual sessions, as needed. Our ministries are free and open to the public. We desire to help believers be loosed from oppressive cycles and become empowered to walk in the fullness of who they are called to be in Christ for His glory and His Kingdom purpose!

It is our joy to serve all who are seeking answers, healing, and freedom. We minister to men and women of all ages from all walks of life. Our Soul Center specializes in ministry of the soul for those who have experienced overwhelming grief, trauma, addictions, dysfunctional family cycles, and sexual identity confusion, as well as veteran-related challenges.

Beyond soul restoration ministry, The Oasis is a multi-cultural house of prayer with a passion for encountering the presence of God, discipling believers to have a firm foundation and be fully activated in their spiritual gifts as Christian leaders, and walking through life with one another in Christ-centered community.

Through daily prayer meetings, weekend worship services, youth groups, mid-week Bible studies, home groups, and other peer fellowship small group ministries, we strive to grow together as Kingdom family and compassionately minister to all the Lord brings into our lives.

The Only Light

I was delivered from a life from drug addiction, and had an encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ. He not only saved me, but changed my life; and now I am preaching his Word, His love and grace to everyone. My ministry is simple, I preach His Word on mainly on TIKTOK; and also Youtube. My objective is to reach the lost.

To carry the message of the saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ to the lost.

United Souls

United Souls

United Souls is led by Danica Rist and her husband Monte Rist.

Ministerial Offerings begin with the actions of love, acceptance and encouragement and lead to the services below:

-Worship Services
-Bible Study
-Addictions Ministry
-Womens Ministry
-Wedding Officiant Services
-Marriage Ministry
-Parenting Ministry

and more…

Our hope is to follow the walk of the FIRST CHURCH of BELIEVERS and to walk and live our lives in “THE WAY!” We are a non-denominational, whole Bible believing fellowship. We are trusting our lives and our future in the belief of the ultimate sacrifice for our sins and the resurrection of our savior the Messiah. We believe in One Faith & One God for all. We believe that we are all given the opportunity to open the door of our hearts to God, giving God the opportunity to come inside of us and fully dwell, by this indwelling, we can truly become a new creation through the turning away of our sins and follow the leadership of our Messiah. Yeshua showed us through His actions how we can walk in love, peace and provide UNITY for God’s children.

Peek into the lives of Danica and Monte …

Monte and Dancia met at a traditional church building in 1993. We soon became friends and remained friends for many years until we finally started dating in 2012. June 22nd of 2013 we fulfilled God’s plan and made our union official with a beautiful wedding ceremony. We are a blended family of 12 children. Monte-4, Danica-5 & together we birthed 3. Their ages range from 2 up to 28 years old. We also have been blessed with grandchildren!

By March of 2014, less than a year after marriage we found ourselves separated and living in separate homes for 3 long years. We reunited our home in 2017 and became one household again. Ever since our reunification, we have faithfully worked on our marriage and have continued to trust in God for his strength and His love to fill our hearts and our home. These challenges have become the strength of our ministry.

The Lord tells us during our weakest moments he is the strongest. Our marriage has helped highlight our weaknesses so we can become stronger through God. This strength leads us to our God given ability to help others grow and heal. During these past 11 years we have made a complete flip in our parenting techniques and the way we choose to communicate and relate to each other, our children and those we encounter.

In our lifetime, God’s strength has saved us from addictions, unhealthy relationship choices, deliverance from spiritual warfare, a possible divorce and more. Due to the Lord helping us to overcome and turn away from our sinful nature and walk as the new creations he predestined us to be, we decided in 2023, to move forward in the commandment of the great commission and commit to building God’s Kingdom with our dedication to United Souls.

Prior to this dedication, we have provided Bible studies, addictions support, pregnancy, marriage and parenting support, outreach services in our local community through community gatherings and family oriented events.

Danica enjoys sharing the HOPE the Bible provides wherever she goes. She really enjoys sharing the love she has for God and how that pours into the love and acceptance she has for everyone. She has the daily opportunity to do this as an Illinois licensed Realtor®, through the weekly homeschool events her and the 2 youngest children attend and every building she walks into. She enjoys leading the weekly ladies Bible study which meets online and locally at United Souls.

We look forward to helping you feel the love of God through the encouragement provided here at United Souls. May the Lord be with you and protect you. May HIs peace be with you always.

Please let us know how we can pray for you TODAY!
Email us at

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Victorious Life Fellowship of Clearwater, Florida

Getting to Know Us

We are Henry and Pam Reyenga, married since 1983. We have five children and sixteen grandchildren. Both of us are graduates of Dordt College. Henry was a graduate of Calvin Seminary in 1987. Henry was ordained in the Christian Reformed Church in 1988 and with the Christian Leaders Alliance since 2014. Together we planted four churches and pastored one existing church. In 2001, the vision of Christian Leaders was born, and we founded this ministry, formally recognized as a religious non-profit in 2005. In 2012, we left employment as a church minister and now minister as a fellowship soul center minister in a bi-vocational voluntary calling.

Our Coming to Christ and Calling to Ministry:

We have walked with God since our early youth. Since first courting in the early 1980s, we discerned God calling us to ministry.

Our marriage passage was:

Luke 6:37-38  Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive and you will be forgiven. Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”

After our marriage, we grew through the mentorship of many notable pastors and teachers. In our first year of marriage, one of those teachers, Rhea Zandee, introduced Pam to the Victorious Life in Christ. This daily abiding Life in Christ was foundational to set us on a path of daily abiding and victory in Christ as a called couple in ministry. This perspective grounded us through life’s journey and fueled ongoing growth into maturity as Christians over sin and Satanic attack.

We then enjoyed decades of influential mentors who spoke into our lives to foster more growth and ministry! Praise God!

Our Calling to this Soul Center

Inspired by a victorious life connection in Jesus Christ, we minister to those in our lives as time permits. We are grateful that the Christian Leaders Alliance has called and equipped us to minister at this fellowship soul center.

So as volunteer ministers, we minister to our community. We are also members of Harborside Christian Church, and we invite people to attend Harborside Christian Church.

Together, we are interested in helping people walk in a victorious life in Jesus Christ. We believe that the souls of men and women are hungry for a spiritual connection with God, and that relationship is found in Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Who We Serve:

While we are busy serving at Christian Leaders Ministries, we love to minister to those God brings into our lives in our condo village, golf course connections, and through serendipitous meetings.

Often, we are called to minister to those connected to the Christian Leaders Ministries.

Our Ministry:

We enjoy raising ministers! Henry is a ministry training professor at Christian Leaders College and Institute in many areas of ministry, including People Smart for Ministry, Pastoral Care and Marriage, Church, and Ministry. He has also taught in many mini-courses. We have taught mini-courses together. Recently, we completed a four-credit college course called “Sex Education and Conversations.”

We share a passion for sharing the faith with those who do not know Jesus Christ or are exploring the Christian faith. Henry enjoys ministering to individuals and families he meets at his golf clubs.

Souls Involved: 25-50

We minister through prayer, Bible study leadership, mentoring, and hospitality. We minister to family members. Further, we have invited many families to Harborside Christian Church, and many have started coming. We have done marriage counseling and post-divorce counseling. Henry has counseled men in accountability ways. Henry also is one of the Bible study leaders at a local Bible study.


In addition, Christian Leaders Church was launched on January 5, 2025; designed to strengthen and equip Christian leaders and their families. Held locally in Largo, Florida, and online via Zoom, this service will be a worship service and a pivotal gathering for ordinations and commissioning ceremonies through the Christian Leaders Alliance and Soul Centers. You can also connect to our CL-Network Church Space HERE

Westside Food Brigade

Kevin and June Osborne lead this nonprofit as a ministry of our church. Kevin is a fully credentialed minister through CLI and through his local Church, Westside Community Church. June has been leading side by side with Kevin for the past 12 years in Beaverton, OR. We provide emergency food boxes to those in need in our community. This soul center seeks to extend a spiritual arm to our guests as well as our volunteers who come to us each week. We offer Chaplain services, prayer, conflict resolution, visitation to hospital or home and mostly, just a hug to those in need.

Young Heart Ministry

Ezekiel 36:26 “I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will remove your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.”
Luke 18:17 “Truly I tell you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.”
Matthew 4:19 ” Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.”
Young Heart Ministry is for Christians and new believes alike; those seeking to reconnect or build a new relationship with Jesus Christ. And for those who want to receive counseling or life coaching from an Ordained Minister to invite God to help them reach their relationship goals and be overcomers!

Nicole Grimes