Truelight Ministries Moorreesburg
Truelight Ministries is a ministry run by Pastor Dunmore Sundai Nyarudzu in Moorreesburg, Cape Town.
Our services include:
- Leaders meetings
- House group meetings
- Praise and Worship services
- Bible teaching services
- Prayer services
…and other services e.g.
- Weddings
- Funerals
- Door to Door witnessing
- Sunday Services
I have spent many years praying regarding this seeking clarity on how I am suppose to work
God revealed to me that I am gifted in teaching the Word , leading, and Administrative duties for the
House of God, and in general life. I loved helping others from my childhood in Religious Education
studies at School.
When I completed my academics I started working for God on part time basis as a volunteer minister,
doing what the Pastor asked me to do, I e, Office Administration, Ushering, preparing the necessary
things for the Pastor to start the services. I was then asked to conduct the midweek services, and to
interpreted for the Pastor on almost all the occasions when the Pastor will be preaching or Teaching,
because most of our services are done in English, so I was to put it into vernacular Language.
This is when the calling started to sprout, but it was not easy to identify as I was young to understand
and hear properly what god was saying.
In 2013 God revealed Him self to me that I must take my position as a gospel teacher and do what He
has told me to do. I then started a prayer group in my house, where we prayed every Sunday , and
Wednesday. The group grew so fast that we had to find a bigger place for a large gathering. Thank God
the Moorreesburg Civic Centre was open and available for bookings, and we utilized the opportunity.
2017 came with good news ,my friend Robert Sibiya connected me to Apostle Taka Nzombe of The
True light Ministries. Then we meet up and talked about becoming a family in Christ and working
together in the building of the body of Christ, after the agreement with the whole prayer group I was
Ordained a pastor , in 2019 April.
During the Covid 19 pandemic we were restricted from public gathering and that changed a lot of things
in my Christian life, so I resorted to online teachings and learning . That is the time I joined Christian
Leaders Institute to continue learning and hearing the word of God. Christian Leaders institute enhanced
my calling ,I am now able to run my Ministry with much understanding and good skills which I acquired
through Christian Leaders Institute. I am now moving to the International Platform of Soul Centres
which I believe will be of much help in my community and Nation at large.
I thank God for giving me the power to be His son (Romans 8:14),and to teaches people with a humble
heart knowing very well that He is the owner of all the people and the greatest rewarder of them that
seek Him diligently Christian Leaders Alliance my you continue to be blessed with the resources
needed to carry forward this good work of our Lord.