A Daily Walk With Christ

A daily walk with Christ is led by Commended Minister Lindiswa Malizole in South Africa East London. The soul center focuses on leading souls to Christ. We operate both in person and online in a daily walk with Christ, connecting believers to their local Christian families and reaching out to others in love, acts of service and evangelism.

James 4:7-8 (NCV)

7 So give yourselves completely to God. Stand against the devil, and the devil will run from you. 8 Come near to God, and God will come near to you. You sinners, clean sin out of your lives. You who are trying to follow God and the world at the same time, make your thinking pure.

The main goal is to see all people coming to Christ and growing into having a personal intimate relationship with Jesus Christ being fruitful and purposeful in their everyday walk. Rejoicing equipped and multiplying those that will multiply.

We are helping people walk daily with Jesus Christ, in a personal and fruitful relationship. We do this through a continuous programme that involves daily Bible study, praying, sharing of faith with others and accountability in growing spiritually.

Through community engagements, sports activities, and local schools, we reach out to our to spread love and the gospel of Christ and connecting souls to Christian communities.

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We serve as a Mentor Center for Leadership Development and tutoring in Mathematical; and other school subjects. We are also providing a platform for students to enroll in Christian Leaders Institute. Lastly, we also focus on addiction issues like Alcohol Abuse and Anger Management

  • MENTORSHIP: The Soul Center will work as an internet café and information center targeting youth or any interested adult. We will provide free internet access to prospective students studying with Christian Leaders Institute with 3 hours a day access. We also provide a study room for those studying; and provide Greek and Hebrew lexicons to study from. Also in terms of education, we will provide tutoring and homework support to community at no cost (Donations based).
  • MINISTRY-BIZ: T-shirt printing, coffee printing and photography for matric balls, proms and weddings.
  • MATCHMAKING MINISTRY: Provide a matchmaking ministry with the intention that two people find each other to get married. Then focusing on Pre-Marital Counseling and wedding coordination; and finally ordinating weddings. We also offer services in Photography & Events.

Christ Alive Ministries

Gauta Mogomane is widowed to Nomusa Mogomane , we got married on the 6th September 1997; and God blessed us with two children and one grand child. We started Jubilee Worship Center on the 5th July 1998, which formally registered in 2014 as Jesus Christ Alive Ministries. Together we were ordained in 1998 and planted a church. In 2020, we took a break from ministry due to challenges our family was going through. The vision of Christ Alive Ministries now resumes in 2023 as a House Church supported by my children, where I will be pursuing the vision God gave me. I am student of Christian Leaders Institute with a Diploma in Ministry and Ordained Minister by Christian Leaders Alliance.

Salvation and Calling to Ministry:
Nomusa and I received Jesus Christ in the 1990 while at high school. We met in 1991 as young people in the church and have been walking with God. Our marriage is built on Joshua 24:15(b) – “As for me and my household we will serve the Lord.”

We fostered the ministry of love, blessed many couples through wedding officiants, supported families in bereavement and individuals going through different challenges.

We supported several young people through education and finances to have a better future.

During the break in Ministry, I submitted to Heartfelt Family Church, where I was appointed to pastor for a short period of time.

Calling to this Soul Center

Inspired by Christian Leaders Alliance and Institute, I am empowered through learning to minister and pray for widows and widowers as well as married couples, to establish the house church and equipped Christians to spread the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

I invite people for prayer and intercession as well as fellowship online and in person at home. My home is opened daily for anyone who needs to assisted through prayer.

Christ Alive Ministries, Danville, Pretoria Soul Center is instrumental to helping souls to work with God daily.

My Ministry:
Gauta Mogomane is a Christian Leaders Institute student with over 25 years ministry experience. He has received several Awards, Marriage Ministry Award, Peace Ministry Award; Pastoral Care Award, Prayer Ministry Award, Christian Ministry Award as well as Ordained Officiant Minister Specialization, Prayer Minister Specialization, and Marriage Ministry Specialization. Sex Education and Conversations, House Church Award , Church Planting Award.
Gauta is Ordained Minister by Christian Leaders Alliance in addition is the Licensed Ministry Chaplain, Licensed Wedding Officiant.

Souls Center Goal
I minister daily through prayer to family needs and individuals. I will be offering House Church Services and bible study groups. I invite people via online platforms to join our services and ministry.
The goal is for the House church to grow and build other house churches as leaders multiply, currently as I start on the 3rd September 2023, it will be my family and those I have invited; and continue to invite.

CLA-South Africa (MMC)

CLA-SA serves as a Minister Mobilization Center (MMC), serving and mobilizing South African registered Soul Centers and Clergy Memebrs with CLA. CLA-SA is directly linked to the MMC Global Hub in Michigan.

CLA-SA is focus on raising revival and creating reproducible ministry organizations through the multiplication and mobilization of Christian leaders in South Africa. This MMC host annual events (currently in PTA/JHB/CPT/DBN), bringing together students in events focusing on encouraging ministry multiplication, credibility, purpose, and vision driven. We also offer ordinations during these events to students who has successfully completed the CLA Ordination Program/s.


CLA-South Africa Board of Directors


CLA-SA’s purpose is to serve grassroots Christian Leaders and ministries seeking to revitalize Christianity locally and globally through various ways. This MMC do this by identifying, training, and credentialing more Christian Leaders to serve in churches, ministries, and other expressions of Christian services through guiding students in the programs that fits their ministry and calling the best.

Strategy and Activities

CLA-SA (MMC) has a seven-part strategy plan for achieving its goals:

  1. Partner with churches and ministries in South Africa to provide training and resources to local Soul Center leaders and CLA Clergy members.
  2. Offer ministers credentialing programs that lead to minister credentials through CLA.
  3. Promote ordination credentials that’s locally recognized.
  4. Assisting CLI Students to obtain local Recognition for CLI earned Certificates, Diplomas, and Degrees.
  5. Giving advice and guidance on church planting and registrations with local authorities.
  6. Connecting local registered Soul Centers to a global data base of Soul Center Leaders, encouraging networking among Soul Center Leaders with similar visions. It connects and encourages connections, partnerships, affiliations, and collaborations among Christian leaders in South Africa
  7. Connecting CLI Students nationwide via the CLA-SA Whatsapp group, where students can be kept up to date with CLI News and be kept in the loop with new developments and ministry opportunities.

If you are a grassroots Christian Leader or ministry seeking to revitalize Christianity in your community, CLA-SA can help you. Contact Pastor Rudi Ferreira today to learn how CLA-SA can support you in your ministry at rferreira@christianleaders.net or via whatsapp on +27 68 257 4919

Other Services Offered by CLA-SA (MMC)

  • Offering counselling, coaching, and guidance to students on study paths that fits their callings and ministries.
  • Assist students who needs advice in starting and/or planting a new church/ministry.
  • Provides information regarding South African laws on religious organizations.
  • Guidance of NPO/NPC-registrations and Marriage Officer Registrations in South Africa.
  • Assisting students in the process of local recognition and accreditation with ACRP under SAQA for earned credentials with CLI/CLA.

Join the:


Join Christian Leaders Church Every Tuesday @ 10:30am (ET)

CLA Africa MMC

CLA-Africa MMC serves as a Minister Mobilization Center (MMC), serving and mobilizing the global African nations registered Soul Centers and Clergy Memebrs with CLA. CLA-Africa is directly linked to the MMC Global Hub in Michigan. CLA-Africa is focus on raising revival and creating reproducible ministry organizations through the multiplication and mobilization of Christian leaders in Africa.


CLA-Africa’s purpose is to serve grassroots Christian Leaders and ministries seeking to revitalize Christianity locally and globally through various ways. This MMC do this by identifying, training, and credentialing more Christian Leaders to serve in churches, ministries, and other expressions of Christian services through guiding students in the programs that fits their ministry and calling the best.

Strategy and Activities

CLA-Africa (MMC) has a five-part strategy plan for achieving its goals:

  1. Partner with churches and ministries in Africa to provide training and resources to local Soul Center leaders and CLA Clergy members.
  2. Offer ministers credentialing programs that lead to minister credentials through CLA.
  3. Promote ordination credentials that’s locally recognized (depending on the nation’s educational requirements).
  4. Assisting CLA Soul Center leaders with networking connections, aligning them with leaders sharing a similar vision.
  5. Aligning African Soul Center Leaders with opportunities of partnering with likeminded Soul Center Leaders cross-nation in furthering their reach throughout the African continent and globally.

If you are a grassroots Christian Leader or ministry seeking to revitalize Christianity in your community, CLA-Africa might be able to assist you. Contact Pastor Rudi Ferreira today to learn how CLA-Africa can support you in your ministry at rferreira@christianleaders.net

DHM Unity fellowship

We are in a resort and mostly pensioners (60yrs+), from about 20 from different church denomination back grounds, in unity to spend time in worship, sharing communion and coming together to hear what God has to say through His Word. Our services start at 9h30 in the resort hall and all are welcome to spend this quality time with Jesus. Services are done in English and Afrikaans.

We also serve the community in the resort who cannot come to the service due to illness with visitation; and serve them with communion and prayer. We also take up tithes and offerings which we use for those in need and also to fund our fellowship times (breakfasts etc.)

Divine Designations Ministry

These living souls are made to be connected to God. They belong to God. The human soul fell into sin, as we read about in Genesis 3. The result of this fall into sin was spiritual and physical death.The only hope for fallen souls is Jesus Christ. His death and resurrection have reconnected humans to God and defeated death (John 3:16). Humans are reconnected to God in a walk that continues transforming and saving their souls.Our souls have a living relationship with the Divine. What was separated at the fall of humanity has been restored! In Jesus Christ, we have been reconciled to God through faith. The deposit of faith and new life has genuinely saved our souls! The Holy Spirit continues the work of reconciliation and renewal.
1) Connecting the soul to God through reading God’s Word and
praying repeatedly. We call this walking with God.
2) Sharing a walk with God with others.
3) Practicing the sacraments through the Soul Center.
4) Being a connection point for local ministry in the community.

Ministry Platforms:

FaceBookYouTube | LinkedIn | Instagram | TikTok | SoundCloud | Tumblr | Pinterest

Divine Oneness

The Divine Oneness Soul Center, led by CLA Credentialed Minister Maurita Hoskins, offers the following Services: Prayer, Biblical Life Coaching, Counseling, Navigating Conflict, Bible study, Abused women Counseling, Mentoring of women and men, Marriage Separation Counseling, Neighborhood Outreach, Victims Ministry, Partners of addicts Counseling and Widows Ministry.

El Olam El Roi Ministries

EL OLAM EL ROI MINISTRIES is a newly started fellowship, started by Ordained Minister Benedict Gien and his wife Adêlle. Benedict is currently in flooring sales which he uses to spread the gospel in the wide client base and at work with colleagues. and is a Bi-vocational Pastor.

Ministerial Offerings:

  • Prayer
  • Officiant Services (busy with application with South African board of officiants)
  • Navigating Conflict
  • Bible Study or Pulpit Messages
  • Mentoring
  • Community Services
  • Assisting with Addiction

About Us:
We are Benedict and Adêlle Gien, we have been married since 2011 and have been brought together by Jesus Christ to serve and spread the gospel. We Lost our Daughter to Meningitis; and decided the loss was to great to and rather dedicate ourselves to bringing Gods children back to Him and building our own personal relationship with God.

Inspired By the Life of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We strive to share the gospel on social media and in our community.

Who We Serve:
Social media platforms; we use is a small WhatsApp group just started currently (10 Souls); Facebook page, newly set up also just (12 Souls); TikTok, of which we have 24’500 Souls following.

Our Ministry:
We strive to bring the gospel to the lost and to bring comfort to the hurt and broken by bringing them the truth of the Gospel, we want to branch out to do revival work and missionary work in the local areas around us.

Gospel Addicts Global Church

Gospel Addicts Global exist to provide sound biblical teachings to lift the believer higher in their faith walk, while also devolping leadership skills with a focus on church leadership development through its study portal. We offer affiliation opportunities to ministers who are serious about growing their ministries; and has also formed partnerships with trusted ministry parteners for accountablity and spiritual counsel.

  • Gospel Addicts Global was established in 2014, founded on Psalms 67:2 (TLB): “Send us around the world with the news of Your saving power, and Your eternal plan for all mankind”, by Ordained Commissioned Minister and Teacher Rudi Ferreira – primarily a Virtual Church with profound teachings founded on Knowledge & Revelation.

Over the years, the Lord has led Rudi and his wife (Tania) through the 5-fold ministry, as seen in Ephesians 4:11 – Apostles / Prophets / Evangelist / Pastors / Teachers. Currently Rudi and Tania are locally connected to a Prophetic Deliverance Ministry where Rudi ministers from time-to-time and Tania being part of the worship team. Rudi also assist the Prophet during deliverance. The reason to why the Lord has led them through the 5-fold ministry is not yet clear, but they trust that it is for a greater purpose and a deeper impact.

Watch Rudi’s Soul Center Interview, interviewed by Pastor Jim Martin from CL-Church

God spoke to Rudi in the beginning of the year; and said that 2025 is a year of Kingdom Advancement. With that, after an extended time in prayer, and the demand of ministers seeking some sort of support from Gospel Addicts, he felt led by the Spirit to launch an Affiliation Program, offering ministers globally an opportunity to come under the umbrella of Gospel Addicts Global; which is also coupled with a Study Portal to equip these ministers with the values and doctrine of our ministry – further linking them to CLI to be further equipped in the things we don’t offer.

Experience in Christian Leadership since 2009:

  • Senior Leadership
  • Teacher of the Foundation School
  • Leading Evangelistic Teams
  • Assistant Pastor
  • Associate Pastor
  • Pastor
  • Leading Leadership & Training Meetings alongside the Senior Pastor.
  • Church Planting

Gospel Addicts Global offers the following extended services:

  • Guest Speaker in the greater Durban area.
  • Local Church Leadership Training
  • Pastoral Care & Assistance.
  • Counseling of Individuals, Couples, Families.
  • Street Evangelism.
  • Deliverance & Healing Ministry.
  • Author of several ministry books and short courses

The vision of Gospel Addicts Global:

‘To equip believers at all levels with the practical, yet profound message of Salvation; teaching believers to relentlesly rely on Jesus Christ; and to walk in the fullness of Christ Who is boldily present, being our ultimate teachers of all things partaining to life and godliness; while drawing near to the early church model of expressing God to our world through fellowship and love.

Other Ministry involvement:

Rudi works remotely for Christian Leaders Alliance as the Africa Global Director, and is the CLA Soul Centers Developer, on the Pastoral Team of Christian Leaders Church; and a member of the CLA Global Ministers Commission – overseeing CLA-South Africa (MMC) & CLA-Africa (MMC).

Contact Details:

Email Address: info@gospeladdictsglobal.org

Contact Number: +27 68 257 4919

Ministry Insights:

Gospel Addicts Global – Virtual Church

  • Visitors from 192 countries (out of 198 countries)
  • Nearly 100’000 global connections through the Virtual Church.

FaceBook persnal page (5.7k+ followers)

Other: YouTube | TikTok | Instagram