– Global Church planting
– Evangelism training, empowerment & support for newly beginning churches
– Equipping saints for ministry; mentee ministerial training
– Prayer; weekly community faith & prayer school, annual house of prayer discipleship camp
– Bible study & pulpit preaching and teaching
– Pre-marital counseling and officiation
– Fellowships; Church, youth, families, children’s church
– Conferences; Holy Spirit conference and Kingdom Establishment conference
– Primary, high School and community liberation of the next generation evangelism
– Success leadership counseling, coaching, mentoring & prayer for full-time ministers, students, educators and Christian professionals in different platforms
– Annual rehabilitation retreat center
– Community humanitarian projects; children’s development center & orphanage homes, elderly care homes, community basic needs volunteer & provision, education empowerment, prayer & medical missions, full-time minister’s empowerment.

– Life Changing Bible and Ministry University operating as a Mentor center for CLI
– Offering Free Bible, Ministry & Christian business management and entrepreneurship
– We offer free Mentoring & ordination of ministers
– Annual Success leadership conference
– We are given an educational mandate for private primary and High Schools and technical college.

• We offer this through Global Christian Community Development Ministry and offering the following ministries;
– Glory of the latter house unity program
– International Church unity conference
– Healing of the nations prayer altar
– Healing School
– Prayer & medical missions center
– Clergy forum
– Business forum
– Annual Messianic Evangelism Explosion conference

We are Patrick and Zamanhlane Phakathi, married since 2010. We have two biological children and two adopted. We are both graduates from the University of Eswatini. We are also graduates from different correspondence theological schools. We both resigned from our permanent government high School teaching employment in response to God’s call to serve as fulltime senior pastors at Life Changing International Church and president for other church linked ministries; Life Changing Bible and Ministry University and Global Christian community development. Patrick is a mentor center volunteer for Christian Leaders Institute enrolling students from different nations and a continuing student.

We both started walking with God from our youthful stage in High School. We have been serving the Lord in our different churches even before we met and married in 2010. Patrick started and served as a youth and worship Pastor under the mentorship of his local pastor. Zamanhlane served the Lord in worship and in ushering ministries under the mentorship of her local pastor. The Lord revealed the calling into ministry before starting to serve as a youth pastor and upon sharing the call to Tema during our varsity days the Lord just knitted us into the calling. After marriage, we started the church as God instructed and we continued to grow through observational learning from our mentor, teachings from our spiritual parent, listening from ministers around the world as well as enrolling to study in theological schools including Christian Leaders Institute. We are both committed in spiritual growth plan and serving the Lord together. Glory to Jesus Christ! The passion that binds us together in ministry is, “Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:10 TLV)

Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but the purpose of the Lord prevails (Proverbs 19: 21). The Lord Jesus Christ spoke to me (Patrick) during my youth and said, “I do not want you to take the responsibility to be a local Pastor in this church (my local church, back then as a young person), but I want you to grow so that you start a church for me in 2010. Until 2010, you have to serve me under the mentoring of the local pastor”. I conveyed this message to my local pastor and by the grace of God she believed it and gave me an opportunity to serve as youth pastor under her mentoring. When I shared this calling to Tema she received it with joy and believed it. We started the Life Changing church in 2010 while we both worked as permanent high School teachers. The Lord instructed to be fulltime into ministry. In 2021, my wife got a transfer to teach in a school close to our home and she stayed alone while I stayed with the kids. She came to me and said the Lord has spoken to her that in the year 2022 she must resign with me and we both venture into the full-time ministry. Glory to Jesus Christ, we are now doing the perfect will of God by serving in this soul center!

We serve the Life Changing International Church members, Life Changing Bible and Ministry university students, Christian leaders Institute students, students in community Schools, ministers and believers around the world through our online daily morning devotion and weekly healing School.

We have been given passion to equip the saints for personal spiritual growth and discovering their ministries to serve God. Patrick enjoys developing training modules more mainly in leadership and ministry. He also enjoys supervising research projects for students and has developed a ministry research program based on the inspiration of Luke 1:1-4. Patrick is into the apostolic and prophetic leadership and full-time church development. Patrick enjoys seeing the saints formally trained and encouraged to grow to serve the Lord with sincere maturity and competence. Zamanhlane is into the prophetic intercession and enjoys encouraging and coaching the saints on prayer and intercession which has led her to discover the call to lead an annual rehabilitation retreat center.

We minister through our weekly preaching, teaching and prayer fellowships; Community Faith and Prayer School, Kingdom diplomatic Sunday fellowships, annual conferences, crusades and seminars. We reach out to other nations through our WhatsApp ministries; daily morning devotion and weekly healing School. Moreover, we reach out to many through Life Changing Bible and Ministry University through which we serve many as CLI mentor center to reproduce more Christian leaders. We also minister to Primary and High School students weekly wining them to Christ, restoring hope and training them in success leadership.

Manumission Ministries

Manumission Ministries focus on:
· Men’s Ministries
· Prison Ministries
· Bible Study Groups
· Drug Abuse Ministries
· Outreach programs for the needy

I am a volunteer minister, actively involved in prison ministries. I recently started a program called Adopt a Prisoner, which involves our local community and churches to reach out to prisoners and share the love of God. My involvement in men’s ministry, also known as Men’s Breakfast, and Bible study groups, through the love and guidance of God, strengthen the spiritual lives of so many men and their families.

Email Adrian Roberts at

Mattana Ministry

Getting to Know Us

Magda Els is married to Gerhard Els since 2009 and blessed with two beautiful daughters. She gave her life to God while pregnant with their firstborn in 2010. In 2014 she started working at the local church’s Sunday School while studying at Christian Leaders from August 2019. Currently she works full-time as a home school mother and at Mattana Ministry.

Coming to Christ and Calling to Ministry

Although Magda always knew about God and attended church during her youth and young adult life; it was only in 2010 when she gave her life to Him. During 2014 she volunteered as a Sunday School Teacher where she noticed that adults catered for children’s physical and emotional well-being but neglected their spiritual well-being. Her passion for telling more people about Jesus inspired her to work harder towards finding ways of reaching out to both youth & children.

The Calling to Mattana Ministry/Soul Center

The epidemic of 2020 caused churches all over the world closed down with many hesitant about returning even after reopening; mainly parents who were afraid of bringing young children back due to safety concerns along with losing interest among youths/young people towards traditional churches.

As more people spent time on their phones or social media platforms during this time; Holy Spirit guided Magda into starting Mattana Ministry which came into existence on January 1st ,2023 has grown rapidly across various Social Media Platforms since then!

Our Ministry

The mission of the Ministry involves spreading Good News without any limitation based on area or person – anyone can be part of this ministry! We aim towards reaching everyone including those feeling lost/sick/lonely or discouraged from entering traditional churches; especially focusing upon serving youth &children through Daily Bible Study sessions coupled with prayers& guidance whenever needed most!

Souls Involved: 764

Ministers Association

We unite leaders in different areas as we have found that there is separation between leadership.

  • We do Christian gatherings
  • We discuss Christian topics which is the core to unity in the church
  • We create revivals monthly to share the Gospel among saints.
  • We do ordinations to the call of leaders; and support ministries and churches.
  • We give to the needy

And promote love to each other as brothers in Christ.

Rhema Auditorium Ministries

Rhema Auditorium Ministries (RAM) a Multipurpose Soul Center.

RAM – Memories we build in Christ!



Aggrey Ogendo, the founder and vision bearer of Rhema Auditorium Ministries (RAM), is an ordained minister, licensed chaplain, and life coach with a deep-rooted commitment to serving others in their spiritual, emotional, and physical lives. As a social entrepreneur, Aggrey has dedicated himself to community health initiatives and sustainable development, bridging faith and service to reach diverse communities and foster long-lasting change.

Aggrey holds a Degree in Biblical Studies, a Licensed Chaplain by CLI and seeking to advance his studies in a Master of Biblical Studies program (yet to enroll). Alongside his ministry, Aggrey actively engages in social entrepreneurship through Uzuri Community (Uzuri Com Serve Ltd), which promotes community health, environmental and governance stewardship.


Aggrey’s calling to ministry began early in his life, growing out of a desire to serve others and spread the message of Christ. Through his walk with God, Aggrey discovered a unique calling to blend practical support, guidance, and spiritual mentorship.

Rooted in the principles of servant leadership, Aggrey established Rhema Auditorium Ministries (RAM) alongside Rhema Auditorium a Church ministry that he runs with his wife to bring a holistic ministry approach that includes chaplaincy, pastoral care, life coaching, and community health. RAM was inspired by Aggrey’s vision to reach the world with compassion and faith, fulfilling the Great Commission by engaging people in personal, transformative ways.


Rhema Auditorium Ministries (RAM) exists to serve others by fulfilling the Great Commission through multifaceted Christian services, including chaplaincy, life coaching, and ministry business consultation. Aggrey and RAM focus on providing compassionate support to those who seek spiritual growth, emotional healing, and community health resources.


1.     Church Ministry Services:

§ Officiating services including:

§ Child Ordination

§ Baptism

§ Weddings

§ Burial Rites

§ Confession of Faith and Sin

2.     Chaplaincy/Chaplaincy:

§ Bringing the presence of Christ to those who are hurting.

§ Specialized in caregiver support and first responder services in collaboration with:

§ Hospitals

§ Police Departments

§ Prisons

§ Fire Departments

3.     Life Coaching:

§ Guiding individuals in the footsteps of Jesus Christ to discover their purpose.

§ Services include:

§ Teenagers and Adult Coaching

§ Marriage Coaching (Pre and Post)

§ Family Coaching

4.     Ministry Biz Consultation:

§ Understanding the business aspect of divine calling and ministry operations.

§ Uzuri Community (Uzuri Com Serve Ltd):

§ Focusing on Community Health and facilitating sustainable conversations (korero) on:

5.     Community Health

6.     Environmental and Governance Stewardship focusing Environmental Social and Governance (ESG) criteria.


Aggrey and RAM is actively building relationships across faith communities, helping individuals navigate life’s challenges with the wisdom and love of Christ. RAM is dedicated to those hungry for a spiritual connection with God, believing this relationship can be found in Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit. RAM actively works in neighborhoods, faith-based gatherings, and through partnerships with organizations that share the vision of fostering resilient, God-centered communities.

RAM – Memories we build in Christ!
Follow @rhemaauditorium on all Social platforms

Sing the Word

Various musicians will take a Bible text and add a melody. I realize that music can play a big role in reaching those who do not have a relationship with God. Believers can also memorize the Bible this way. Congregations may also use the music for free.

Music can be the first step to make an impact for God through the power and influence of the Holy Spirit.

Our musical passion will be filled with, “Sing the Lord a new song”

The Glad Coach

Chronic diseases like high blood pressurediabetes, and heart disease are often treated with medication, but did you know that many of these conditions are simply lifestyle diseases? Medication may manage symptoms, but it doesn’t solve the root cause.

At I Therapy and Wellness Center, we focus on changing your lifestyle to address the cause of the problem. Small changes in your daily routines—such as what you eat, when you sleep, and how you interact with others—can help you take control of your health and reduce your reliance on medications.

We can help you:

  • Build better eating habits
  • Establish sleep routines
  • Reduce stress
  • Improve social interactions for better mental health
The Total Fitness Course at CLI informed me of thisMy background in finance and administration, counseling psychology, and trauma healing worked miraculously with my Bachelor of Divinity from CLI to clarify my calling as a health psychologist.

The LastBell Messengers Mission

The LastBell Messengers “…are messengers of the churches, the glory of Christ” (2 Corinthians 8:23). We are local Missionaries, Disciple Makers, Intercessors, Church Planters, and the Builders of the Family of Christ as the Holy Spirit leads. We are the Messengers from all the churches of Christ who are called, ordained, and sent to the Field and Harvest of God. We seek the revival of all the churches of Christ in unceasing Missions and Evangelism, Discipleship, Prayer and Intercessory, and Apostolic Christian Education. We also have Muslim Background Believers who are discipled and equipped in the Word of God and the Holy Spirit. They are discipling more Muslims for Christ and are impacting many Muslim families to accept Christ as their Lord and Saviour.

Our Coming Together as an Interdenominational Ministry Group

The Holy Spirit led the LastBell Messengers to become a ministry organization through a Spirit-led revival of some of the Youth of the churches in Sampa, Jaman North District, Bono Region. The ministry started with membership from the Christ Apostolic Church International, Presbyterian Church of Ghana, the Body of Christ, Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church, the Methodist Church Ghana, the Resurrection Power New Generation Church, Deeper Life Bible Church, the Apostles Continuation Church International, and Muslim Background Believers in Christ. During this revival, the Holy Spirit revived even pregnant women and nursing mothers to join the Dawn Broadcasting Team to preach Christ to communities.
The ministerial name “The LastBell Messengers” was inspired and given by the Holy Spirit during one of our prayer meetings in 2017. The Holy Spirit chose us and is still choosing from different churches and denominations to join other ministers who are called into the Field of God to sound “The Last Bell” heralding the Second Coming of Christ. We are the “apostolos” which is translated “Messengers” of the churches as the apostle Paul specifies in 2 Corinthians 8:23. Our missional slogan is “Messengers! The Truth.”

Our Calling to this Soul Center

The Lord has used the LastBell Messengers to disciple many Souls who are into diverse ministries in their respective churches and denominations. Some are ordained Pastors, local Elders, and Evangelist. Some are also into Music ministry, Worship ministry, Prayer and Intercession ministry, Youth ministry, Charity ministry, Preaching ministry, Men ministry, Church Cleaning ministry, and Care ministry.
With the Ordained Minister credential of our volunteered leader Daniel Ampong Antwi, we thank the Good Lord for using the Christian Leaders Alliance to equip the LastBell Messengers to minister at this Ministries organization Soul Center.

Who We Serve

Currently, we have lunched Christ and Clothing Mission (C-C-M) as our Ministerial Product. We are on mission. The mission to give Christ to “Naked Souls” and to “Cloth” them. We believe that this is the Will of God.
We are Messengers (Apostolos). Our mission is Christ Jesus; His Spirit-led missions and evangelism, discipleship, prayer and intercessions, and Apostolic Christian Education. We…“are messengers of the churches, a glory to Christ” (2 Corinthians 8:23). We give Christ to our communities, and disciple the Souls in our communities to wear and experience Christ.

Our Ministry

We are on a practical mission of the Gospel. We teach the Gospel; experience the Gospel; and live out the Gospel practically as Jesus commands the Church. God first gave the Gospel to Adam and Eve in Genesis 3:15, “And…He shall bruise you on the head, And you shall bruise him on the heel.” He taught them to experience the practicality of the Gospel He had preached to them. The practicality of the Gospel is: “Then Yahweh God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife, and He clothed them” (3:21)
“Clothing” is a symbol of provision and satisfaction in Christ. Many are Souls naked in sin, poverty, lack of shelter, sickness, lack of education, the troubles in old age, family rejection, homelessness, widow, orphanage, divorce, marital problems, singleness, and lack of daily provision and satisfaction of basic necessities. We are on a mission to reach these “Naked Souls.”
We must give them Christ and Clothing. This mission is simultaneous. “Give them Christ and Clothing: Give them Clothing and Christ.” We are embarking on this mission as the ministerial package of the LastBell Messengers to confirm what the Holy Scripture specifies to all the Churches: “Therefore openly before the churches, show them the proof of your love and of our reason for boasting about you” (2 Corinthians 8:24).

Souls Involves: 53-60
We are volunteer ministers who minister through Missions and Evangelism, Discipleship, Prayer and Intercessory, Bible Studies, and Apostolic Christian Education. We minister to Naked Souls and give them both the physical and the spiritual clothing given by the Blood of Jesus and the resurrection power. We disciple these Souls to also become Disciple Makers in their communities. Our ministry is purely a volunteer ministry, and the Holy Spirit has been good to us to recruit more volunteer Messengers to serve His purpose through the LastBell Messengers.

The Light Family Bible Network Africa

Welcome to The Light Family Bible Network Africa (TLFBN Africa)
We are an evangelical and teaching ministry dedicated to spreading biblical truth across our beloved continent. As a network of churches, soul centers, pastors, ministers, and church leaders, we unite to combat the spread of prosperity gospel preaching in Africa.
Our Vision
We envision teaching biblical truth in 1000 African communities and schools by 2034.
Our Mission
Empowering Africans with biblical truth, transforming lives—one community and one school at a time—through community evangelism and school partnerships.
Our Core Values
1. Truth: We are committed to sharing and living out biblical truth in all aspects of our ministry.
2. Empowerment: We empower individuals and communities through biblical teaching, leadership development, and practical support.
3. Transformation: We strive for spiritual growth and transformation in ourselves and those we serve, leading to a positive impact in African communities and schools.
Join us in this noble quest to bring hope, transformation, and the power of the Bible to every corner of Africa. Together, let’s fight for the truth and reclaim our continent for God’s glory.

• Visit our New FaceBook Page

Touched by Christ Ministries

Touched by Christ Ministries is located in Bethulie in the Southern Free State, South Africa. It is a voluntary ministry to the community. We are serving people in their daily lives, providing them with what they need.

Hercules van Wyk is the only voluntary member at the moment. He was born again in January 2003. His faith journey has showed him the importance of helping people in their daily lives when they need it. He is married and leads his family in their faith. He also serve in his church in a number of positions. As a student at Christian Leaders Institute and Christian Leaders College he is a accredited minister.

Touched by Christ ministries serve the community in any of the following areas:

  • General support
  • Mentoring in person and online
  • Grief counsel
  • Officiant Minister duties.

Hercules is also a member of the CLA-SA (MMC) Soul Center