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Gospel Addicts Global Church

Gospel Addicts Global Church

Rating (average)
+27 68 257 4919

13 Harmony,, 2 Second Avenue,, Malvern,, Durban,, Kwa-Zulu Natal, 4093
Gospel Addicts Global Church is primarily a Virtual Teaching Ministry, founded in 2014 by Ordained Minister Rudi Ferreira. The physical side of ministry focus on local connections; which involves:
• Guest Speaker in and around Durban.
• Local Church Leadership Training.
• Pastoral Care & Assistance.
• Counseling of Individuals, Couples, Families.
• Street Evangelism.
• Deliverance & Healing Ministry.
• Teacher at a local church.

Global Kingdom Minister ♦ Mission Multiplier ♦ Gospel Superspreader
South Africa
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