Soul Centers Locations

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Transformed Mind

Transformed Mind

Rating (average)

Muigai Prestige Avenue, , Kitengela, , Kenya, 00241
Transformed Mind (TM) is led by credentialed Minister Mercy Njue.

• Teaching
• Prayer
• Bible Study
• Pulpit messages
• Becoming a Christian consultations
• Chaplaincy
Soul Center Webpage
Westside Food Brigade

Westside Food Brigade

Rating (average)
(More feedback needed)
+1 503-567-9517

18390 SW Farmington Rd, Beaverton, Oregon, USA, 97007
Westside Food Brigade is an emergency Food Box provider and an agency partner of the Oregon Food Bank. We serve more than 325 families each week with much needed healthy food. We also seek to feed the souls of our guest families as well as our volunteers.
Soul Center Webpage