Soul Centers Locations

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The Dove Ministry

The Dove Ministry

Rating (average)
+1 912 348-0438

Bloomingdale, GA 31302, Georgia, 31302
Life Coach Ministry
My Mission is to be able to help others and others to overcome their life-controlling Issues, such as drug, alcohol, and pornography addiction, But Only Through the Loving Grace, and the Power of the Blood of Jesus Christ. It is by His word to be able to share God's love With them and others as well as to care for their needs and Spiritual growth. This will set a positive relationship with the community, displaying a change of character from what was, to what God can do today in the life of those that truly seek Him. This set Positive feedback and change of attitude and action on both sides.

As for myself an ex-con I know what the changing Power of the Lord Jesus, can do in my life, I am confident he will do the same for you.!
Soul Center Webpage
Young Heart Ministry

Young Heart Ministry

Rating (average)
(More feedback needed)
+1 817 600 6935

1302 County Road, 529 Burleson, USA, 76028
Young Heart Ministry is an online resource for those seeking Pastoral or Christian counseling in any walk of life, Pre and post marriage counseling and a Christian wedding officiant or other minister services such as baptisms and dedications or prayer. Young Heart Ministry is all about sharing the gospel and helping people seek God with a young heart and faith like a child.