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Listed in 6. Multi-Purpose Ministries
689528 - +6596789158
The Boatman Ministry (TBM) is led by credentialed Licensed Minister Brandon Pek (assisted by his wife Jean) in Singapore, with the following stated objectives:
• To be that vessel from which the Word of God is shared and taught, bringing the spiritual nourishment to wherever the Word reaches.
• To encourage and challenge those in fellowship to have a personal and intimate walk with God, and a Christ-centred testimony of their lives.
• To provide faith-based guidance in one-on-one or small group coaching, helping them move forward in their calling and spiritual dreams.
• To facilitate opportunities for sowing of Kingdom seeds through charitable and mercy projects, and other forms of contributions.
Ministerial Services
Brandon, also credentialed as Coach Minister and Ministry Chaplain, is bi-vocational to support TBM in its mission to inspire, influence and impact lives for Christ. Ministerial Offerings are as follow:
• Small group fellowship with focus on prayer and thanksgiving, bible reading and discussion, and the ministry of encouragement.
• Faith-based guidance through life coaching in personal mission / direction, pre-marital and marriage, and parenting skills.
• Officiant and chaplain services, outreach, charitable and mercy projects in collaboration with ministry and project partners.
• Hospitality ministry to reach out to extended family who have yet to hear, believe and receive the saving knowledge and grace of God.
Getting to Know Us
Brandon and Jean Pek are married since 1994 and have two adult children. In TBM, he will be assisted by his wife Jean in the areas of hospitality ministry and couples’ fellowship and coaching (pre-marital, marriage and parenting skills), and ministers in the marketplace/workplace as the Lord assigns. As a family, they have participated in charitable and mercy projects and continue to look for joint-ministry opportunities.
In 2021, Brandon enrolled at Christian Leaders Institute (CLI) to begin his ministry training. Having completed the Christian Ministry Diploma and credentialed Minister training in 2023, he plans to continue his CLI education for the Diploma of Divinity and seek to be credentialed as an Ordained Minister as the Lord grows the ministry that He placed in his heart.
Coming to Christ
Brandon was born into a non-believing family but was curious about Christianity from a very young age. In his teenage years, he had encountered Christianity in several forms - through end-of-the-world preaching, strange deviant doctrines, over-zealous student evangelist who called him “names”. From innocent curiosity, he turned indifferent until his university days when he was confronted with deeply spiritual issues that rekindled his search for God.
During that period, the Lord placed a few Christian friends who introduced Brandon to their faith, and He led him through several spiritual experiences and encounters that changed his life. In 1989 at age 22, he received Jesus as Savior and Lord. That was the beginning of the blessed life, with joy and peace in the Holy Spirit.
Confirming His Call to Ministry
Brandon got married in 1994. After initially hosting the church’s home cell meetings with his wife Jean, they devoted their walk in raising the children as well as ministering in the marketplace / workplace. Fast forward to 2019, Brandon took a step away from his corporate career for a personal sabbatical, planning to return strongly for a final push to the pinnacle before he retires.
However, God had another plan for him and spoke through a local bible teacher that He will restore him to where he should be, and not where he was. Over the next 4 years, as he sought clarity in prayers, the Lord remained silent concerning the time and timing, and the nature of the restoration. There were faith struggles over the “stalled” career during those years, declining savings with no income, and His silence.
Thankfully, God had provided from past financial harvests and he was able to still minister through the pandemic years and the recovery phase in His “field assignments” which included evangelism, charitable and mercy work, and life coaching / facilitating in the men’s ministry. The Lord gave him the joy and peace in His service, and began to confirm His calling in the following ways during the closing months of 2023:
• Fruits of the gospel and salvation over the “silent” 4 years ministering to family and friends.
• Affirmations / endorsements from ministry leader and fellow believers in marketplace ministry.
• Timely review of his CLI journey and completion of milestone education and ministry training.
Souls Involved – 25 to 50 in several ministry areas
Small Group Christian Fellowship – ministering to fellow believers (friends including those in marketplace / workplace) through prayer and thanksgiving, bible reading and discussion, faith-based guidance and coaching. This includes fellowship meetings hosted by ministry partners and new fellowship initiatives under the newly launched TBM.
Hospitality ministry – ministering to family and extended family members through regular gatherings over festive celebrations and family events focusing on relationship building for opportunities to sow kingdom seeds. This has been a regular ministry in the last couple of years through organizing or hosting an event or home visits.
Brandon and Jean also minister in their respective men’s and women’s ministries in small groups as well as one-on-one as the Lord assigns.
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