Soul Centers Locations

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Transformed Mind

Transformed Mind

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Muigai Prestige Avenue, , Kitengela, , Kenya, 00241
Transformed Mind (TM) is led by credentialed Minister Mercy Njue.

• Teaching
• Prayer
• Bible Study
• Pulpit messages
• Becoming a Christian consultations
• Chaplaincy
Soul Center Webpage
Truelight Ministries Moorreesburg

Truelight Ministries Moorreesburg

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Listed in
+27 78 588 3386

22 Petunia street, Moorreesburg, Cape Town, 7310
TM by Dunmore Sundai Nyarudzu is a Fellowship Soul Center where we will host services like Leaders meetings, house group meetings, Praise and Worship services, Bible teaching services, Prayer services, and other services e.g. weddings, Funerals, Door to Door witnessing, and Sunday Services.

South Africa
Soul Center Webpage
UK Fellowship Church

UK Fellowship Church

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+44 754 698 7801

34 Bishopdown Road, Salisbury, Wiltshire, UK, SP1 3DR
An online multi-denominational church for all members of the UK based Christian community. A place to share news of achievements, network, mentorship, worship and just share the Gospel.
A place for EVERYONE.
United Kingdom
Soul Center Webpage
United Souls

United Souls

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North Central Illinois
We are a non-denominational, whole Bible believing fellowship. Our hope is to follow the walk of the FIRST CHURCH of BELIEVERS and to walk and live our lives in “THE WAY!”
Trusting our lives and our future in the belief of the ultimate sacrifice for our sins and the resurrection of our savior the Messiah. We believe in One Faith & One God for all. We believe that we are all given the opportunity to open the door of our hearts to God, giving God the opportunity to come inside of us and fully dwell, so we can become a new creation through the turning away of our sins and following the leadership of our Messiah. Walking in love, peace and providing UNITY for God’s creation.
Soul Center Webpage


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+44 777 017 6676

69 Fenlake Road,, Bedford,, England, , United Kingdom, MK420EU
A growing church, Jesus Christ being the head working mighty things through his servants George and Abigail Munhenga.
United Kingdom
Soul Center Webpage
Victorious Life Fellowship of Clearwater, Florida

Victorious Life Fellowship of Clearwater, Florida

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2620 Cove Cay Drive Unit 305, Clearwater, Florida 33760, 33760
Victorious Life Fellowship of Clearwater, Florida, is led by credentialed Minister of the Word Henry Reyenga and his wife, Pam. Henry is Working full-time at Christian Leaders and sharing ministry at my workplace and community.

Ministerial Offerings
-Officiant Services
-Becoming A Christian Consultations
-Marriage Ministry
-Navigating Conflict
-Bible Study or Pulpit Messages
Soul Center Webpage
Westside Food Brigade

Westside Food Brigade

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+1 503-567-9517

18390 SW Farmington Rd, Beaverton, Oregon, USA, 97007
Westside Food Brigade is an emergency Food Box provider and an agency partner of the Oregon Food Bank. We serve more than 325 families each week with much needed healthy food. We also seek to feed the souls of our guest families as well as our volunteers.
Soul Center Webpage
Woman at the Well

Woman at the Well

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Listed in
+27 0798722751

8 Watsonia Cresent, Gonubie, East London, Easter Cape, South Africa, , 5257
Woman at the Well is a sanctuary and safe space for women. This ministry is uniquely designed to meet the needs of women from all walks of life where they can come and receive the living waters that Jesus Christ gives (John 4:14) Restore, Renew and Revive.
South Africa
Soul Center Webpage
Young Heart Ministry

Young Heart Ministry

Rating (average)
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+1 817 600 6935

1302 County Road, 529 Burleson, USA, 76028
Young Heart Ministry is an online resource for those seeking Pastoral or Christian counseling in any walk of life, Pre and post marriage counseling and a Christian wedding officiant or other minister services such as baptisms and dedications or prayer. Young Heart Ministry is all about sharing the gospel and helping people seek God with a young heart and faith like a child.